If you want your garment to last longer, you have to take care of it as best you can. It is advisable that once a year, give a cleaning with a moisturizer or some special cream for leather.
The correct procedure is to pour some cream on a cloth and then clean the garment by passing it through the garment. Then, once waxed, let it dry naturally.
Never store it in plastic sheaths and if for a chance, one day, it catches a huge shower, the best thing you can do is let it dry naturally. Put it on a hanger and hang it somewhere high to dry. Never place it near a source of heat or heating directly as this will dry the leather and may break.
If a greasy stain or any other type falls on it, immediately dump talcum powder so that the fat does not penetrate into the leather. If the stain penetrates will have to resort to dry cleaning by specialists.
We can do the cleaning service, if you do not have any specialist near your house.
Write us at info@milopiel.es and we will inform you of rates and delivery times.
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